God’s Powerful Spirit


For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

We must remember this. In Jesus, we have the strength to overcome all situations. What is the situation you are going through today? Does it involve your health, marriage, kids, school, job? Whatever it is, you don’t have to be in fear of any situation.

Does that mean we can go about life in a carefree manner; in careless living that nothing can touch us? NO! That is not what it means to not fear. From God we get a boldness for righteous living, we feel God’s love, and most of all, we acquire a strong, sound mind. When we believe and lay our trust in Jesus, He gives us the wisdom to know good from evil, and to make the right decisions to keep us in the path that He has planned for us and away from danger.

During these times when there is fear all around us, especially about health and jobs among other issues, let us not have ‘fear’ cause us to freeze. Rather let us lean on God and look to Him for wisdom to make the right decisions that will keep us safe and protected from the troubles of the world. If we walk in obedience to God’s Word, God’s endless love will overflow through us to the people with whom we interact.

Dear Lord, thank you for watching over me always. I look to you Lord for the wisdom to make the right decisions, to follow the path you have chosen for me. I will not fear worldly troubles because I know Lord, you are there to get me through them untouched as I lean on your power. Amen


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