God’s Promises of Goodness


“And now, O Lord God, you are God, and Your words are true, and You have promised this goodness to Your servant. 2 Samuel 7:28

This is a prayer that King David prayed after he heard the great promises of God for him, his family, and his nation.

All of us love to hear great promises of goodness from God about our lives, jobs, ministries, children, marriage. To experience the goodness of God, we don’t have to be perfect.

David was not the most perfect person. He was considered as the most incapable among his brothers by his father. When his brothers were enlisted in the army, he was herding sheep. After he became the king and became a father, his own son challenged and fought against him. He was considered as an incompetent king and father, by his son.

But God chose this shepherd boy to be the King of Israel and finally became one of the greatest rulers of Israel. David’s success was due to his favor from God. David had some key characteristics that gave him God’s favor.

He was a man after God’s heart. He cherished being in God’s presence. He understood when he was hurting God. He knew when he needed to ask forgiveness from God. The book of Psalms in the Bible is the testament of this character of David. It is a book full of songs of praises to God.

We can also live a life filled with God’s goodness. Today, let us ask the Lord Jesus to come into our hearts and fill us with His presence. So, we can understand His heart and live a life that is worthy of His goodness



  1. Ramakrishna
    03 Jul 2020 07:08:10 Reply

    Praise the Lord i am very much encouraged by today’s promise of God. He is good His mercy endures forever.Amen

  2. Mary Sweety
    03 Jul 2020 07:51:11 Reply

    I am very much encouraged by your message, I thought what I did on yesterday God would not forgive me, because I lost patience and spoke angrily.

    Truely God will forgive me, please pray for me. I need tolerance and patience

    • Bethel Team
      03 Jul 2020 09:02:34 Reply

      Dear Mary,
      Our God is a forgiving God.We will keep in prayers.Blessings!!

  3. delimapawan
    03 Jul 2020 08:14:36 Reply

    Such an Amazing God is Our God… He loves.. Cares.. Forgives and keeps us near to him.. Thank u Jesus

    03 Jul 2020 08:46:46 Reply

    Blessed devotion. Yes God does not see our in competencies, but instead He keeps His promises and goodness for us.

    03 Jul 2020 09:51:03 Reply

    Yes though i am/was not perfect God has choosen me to His child. Tku Llord for yr kindness towards me .
    Tku pastor for the msg.
    And why dont u start morning devotion.

  6. Prakash
    03 Jul 2020 09:56:36 Reply

    Praise the Lord. Thanks for wonderful devotion. Yes u have a plan for everyone.

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