God’s Unique Creation


Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

People pay millions to get their hands on an original piece of art. Exquisite, one of a kind artifacts are always more expensive than mass-produced, run of the mill products. These unique creations are also more preserved and treasured than their ordinary counterparts. But the most exquisite creation in all the earth is not a painting, an antique artifact, the most breathtaking landscape, a gorgeous sky or a majestic mountain range. It is you!

When God created you, He handpicked your physical features, your thought patterns, your skills and abilities. There’s no one else in this world quite like you – never has been and never will be. Even identical twins are not entirely alike – they each have their own uniqueness.

Today’s verse reminds us that we are God’s workmanship. Just as every created thing has a purpose, so do you. God has already prepared the good works that you are going to accomplish in this world. If you feel lost, wondering who you really are and what you’re in this world for, don’t despair. God has a unique purpose for you. Seek Him, read His Word, speak to Him, and He will reveal the glorious things He’s planned for you.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for creating me just as I am. Show me the purpose You’ve outlined for my life. Help me use my talents, skills and abilities to glorify Your Name. In Jesus’s Name, Amen.


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