God’s way of discipline


I Corinthians 11:32:  When we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world.

God disciplines His children just like how a earthly father does his children.  Just because we call on His name and worship Him, it does not mean that we can go scot free when we sin or commit things that the Lord detests.  He judges and corrects us so that we can go back on the paths of righteousness.

Paul, the apostle, was writing this portion of the scripture to the believers in Corinthians regarding how they handled the Holy Communion.  They showed less respect to the body and the blood of Jesus which led to some people being sick.  God loves us alright, but we should also act in such a way that we do not take His favour or love towards us for granted.  As much as a earthly father does not like his children going astray and is quick to correct them or even thrash them up if need be, our heavenly Father also is pretty much the same.  When we are judged by God, remember that we are corrected or disciplined by Him.  He does not punish us like how the heathen are punished or condemned.  He wants us back on track with Him.  He can do that only through correction.

Be open to correction from God and let Him steer your life in the direction He wants you to go.  Hold on to Him tight and never be offended or hurt when God judges you.  It is better to be chastened of the Lord than to be condemned with the world.


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