God’s Wonderful Plans


Psalm 40:5 NKJV

“Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.”

God is a master planner and what He plans will come to fruition. He has thoughts and plans for us that are far beyond what we can even imagine. In today’s verse, King David reiterates how wonderful the Lord’s works are. His thoughts towards us are more than can be counted. Such great is His love and concern for His children.

If you’re in the midst of planning your own future and apprehensive about what is to come, don’t worry. God’s plans for you are good. He’s carefully thought out a future that may seem incomprehensible to you at this time. When you trust Him and commit yourself and your plans into His Almighty hands, He will fulfil His wondrous works in your life.

The next time you find yourself pondering about what is to come, redirect your thoughts to the Lord who holds your future in His hands. He has already done great things in your life, and He will exceed your expectations in the years to come. Even if you’re facing disappointment and discouragement now, God has a way of bringing beauty out of ashes. Recount the blessings you’ve already received from Him and you’ll be filled with hope for what is to come.



  1. Florence
    17 Apr 2023 22:07:33 Reply

    I have been encouraged by attending the online service every Sunday from 2021 and my family too.. My spiritual walk has gone to the next level.. I enjoy listening to the sermon which uplifts me, convicts me and helps me to move forward in my faith journey. Thankful for Pastor Johnson.
    The ” TGIM / TGIW ” has been a tremendous source of blessing in my life and I share it with my friends and family. keep up the good work…

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    19 Apr 2023 07:40:45 Reply

    yes Florence is correct I have also been encouraged by Pastor Johnson sermon the Hymans sung by coir also increases our faith and no words I get to say even one my friend Mrs sarala Gray is Pastor Johnsons Fan ..thanks and praises be to Pastor Johnson and our lord Jesus 🙏

  3. Ruby willam Dhaser
    19 Apr 2023 07:43:22 Reply

    not too good in writing not too good in put my mind heart in words only can say all being inspired thanks and praises be lord Jesus

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