God’s Word – A wholesome cleansing


Psalm 119:9
How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.

Today’s scripture asks a genuine question. It shows concern for young men, but who are these young men? The following are the assumptions:

  1. The young man indicates the psalmist himself; probably it was a self-edifying scripture. Here it could be David himself.
  2. The young man may refer to young adults. In the world, young men are liable to sins and snares; carnal lusts and sensual pleasures entice young adults. They need direction and instruction to walk in God’s way.
  3. Young men spiritually are the babes in Christ who need direction and instruction to grow.

    How can the young men’s hearts be made clean, how can the way of life, conversation, etc., be corrected, reformed, and amended?
    Psalmist says it’s only by taking heed according to His Word. This is not just for young adults; this instruction is for all God’s children. We are never far from God. Like the prodigal son, when we come to our senses, He is right there with arms wide open.

    God’s Word is active and alive. It is God-inspired, hence heeding its instruction will only make us complete and blessed. Let us not only be hearers of the Word but even doers.

    Blessed Day Ahead.

One Comment

  1. Nicholas Pink
    03 Nov 2022 11:10:49 Reply

    Amen 🙏 praise the Lord. Protect us lord from all that is evil be with us lord,in precious name of Jesus I pray Amen 🙏

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