God’s Word and His Work


Psalm 33:4 NKJV

“For the word of the Lord is right, and all His work is done in truth.”

Do you have the assurance that when God says something, He will do it? The Psalmist certainly thought so and wrote a whole Psalm praising God for His love and steadfastness. Today’s verse especially draws attention to two things: what God says and what He does. There is no disconnect between these two – God speaks and does what is right and true. This means that when you receive a word from God, you can be sure He will fulfill it.

God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). It is not in His nature to say something and do something else. God always has your best interest at heart and He will complete the good work He’s started in you. Have you been waiting for God to fulfill His promises in your life? Be encouraged that even if it takes a while, God will always come through for You.

Our Lord God is fair and just. He will reward your faith in Him. God’s Word always accomplishes the purpose it was sent for (Isaiah 55:11). It will work in your life and transform you from the inside out. Remain in Him and see the wonderful things He will do in and through your life.


One Comment

  1. Mrs.Annie. Samuel
    11 Jul 2023 09:56:21 Reply

    Yes pastor Johnson! We are very encouraged by the Word. We are from Nagpur n are regularly attending Bethel AG church. May the Lord use you mightily for His Kingdom.

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