Good God, who does Good things.


Matthew 6:25

Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?

According to the research, worry increases blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke; on the other hand, people who experience less stress tend to have a healthy heart and a long life.

 To start with, why do we generally worry? To name a few, we worry because of fear, uncertainty, negative outcomes, failures, debts, unhealthy habits, past experiences, and more.

 The last line of the Bible says, “ I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” And yet somewhere we forget that God will take care of everything when we walk in His will and ensure all our needs are met.

 In Matthew 6:25, Jesus is teaching that worry is unproductive. Worry does not help us fulfill God’s purpose and also does not allow God to work. God always uses all our situations to accomplish His purpose, and He wants us to trust Him.

 Let us make a choice today to make note of all the things God has done for us—every single detail—and read it out aloud every time worry or anxiety tries to dominate us. Keep it in your wallet or Bible, and make it a habit to read it every day before going to bed or when waking up in the morning.


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