Goodness of God


No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls salvation and your gates praise. Isaiah 60:18 (NIV)

The prophecies in the book of Isaiah have withstood the test of time. As we journey through the history of the nation of Israel in the Bible, we witness a nation that repeatedly turned away from God and a God who relentlessly pursued them. God Almighty is just and does not tolerate sin. His judgment on Israel was trials in a foreign land. Similarly, our lives sometimes take a divergence from God’s ways. Nevertheless, the God of mercy is our only future and goal.

The exiles, who were subject to God’s wrath, found God’s prophecies fulfilled miraculously. God never wavers in His promises nor delays but fulfills them at the right time (2 Peter 3:9). Like the Israelites, most of our choices don’t align with God’s ways, but He is just in His judgment toward us.

God’s promises are in store for us when we walk in alignment with His ways. The prophecies in this book continue to be fulfilled for the nation of Israel even today. Their army might be the best in the world, but the God of angel armies is the One who protects them ultimately and thwarts the plans of the enemies surrounding them.

The wickedness within us prevents God from being present in our lives. The moment we surrender to our Creator, we enter the next level. God starts to work in us, and our lives will be a walk in the supernatural. God has a better plan for us than all the wise men put together could ever plan. So, let’s walk in the goodness of God today and forever.


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