Gracefully Transformed


For all things are for your sake, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15

Grace is powerful!

Have you experienced God’s grace? It is given freely to all and has the power to transform lives.

The Transformation of Peter

Peter was one of the most spontaneous and erratic disciples. He could go from walking on water to sinking under it in a flash. If that was all, we could say, “Oh, Peter! He was probably looking for fish instead of looking at Jesus.”

But that wasn’t all. Some of his other misdeeds were more grievous. On multiple occasions, Peter became a stumbling block to Jesus’ mission in this world.

From telling Jesus that He would not become the sacrifice for the world, and wanting to remain on the Mount of Transfiguration to cutting off the ear of the person who came to arrest Jesus and later denying the same Jesus when He was arrested, Peter was a repeater of mistakes.

But God’s grace was persistent.

After Jesus’ death, he was so disheartened by his actions that he gave up his life as a disciple and went back to catching fish.

Until Jesus returned…

After the resurrection, Jesus met the disciples while they were busy fishing. Do you know what Peter did when he realized that it was Jesus calling them?

He spontaneously jumped into the water and started wading towards Jesus.

Did Jesus remind him of his shortcomings? No!

He only told him to care for the people and spread the good news. In essence, Jesus was telling Peter that he would establish the church of the New Testament.

Peter went on to deliver the inaugural speech when the church was formed. Was it Peter’s ability that made him a leader? Absolutely not! It was nothing but the grace of God.

Our Transformation is Underway

God has great plans for our lives, some of which will seem impossible because, in our human strength, we are not capable or qualified to accomplish them. Sometimes the plans of God are what we are working against constantly without our knowledge, as in Peter’s case, where he was trying to stop the ultimate sacrifice, without which the real Temple of God – one that is open to all – would not be established.

Irrespective of our struggles and shortcomings, the grace of God will lead us to His plan. Thank God for His grace!


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