Great is Your faithfulness to me! 


Numbers 23:19

“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?”

The verse in Numbers 23:19 should constantly remind us of our relationship with God. Most of the time, we tend to confuse our relationship with people with our relationship with God. If there is one thing every believer needs to learn in their spiritual journey, it is to stand rooted in God’s presence, not in their relationship with people. Our close ones will let us down. There will always be someone who will not be around to help you in times of need, but does that mean our God is like that? No! Time and time again, generations have passed, and the world around us has changed, but the one that has remained the same is God. There is a reason why God is called Faithful, Mighty, Able, Peacemaker, Healer, and Miracle-Working God. 

God does not change His mind or take back His word (Hebrews 4:12). His faithfulness is everlasting, and He ensures He fulfills what He has promised us. Maybe it will be different than what we would have wanted, but ultimately, God sees the bigger picture that we cannot comprehend from our situation. 

Next time, when we feel our trust and expectations are from people, let us meditate on this verse and remind ourselves that it is God who makes all things possible. 


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