Great Triumph over failure


Psalm 29:3  The voice of the LORD is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The LORD is over many waters.


If God told us to try something that failed before, would we do it again?

Simon (renamed Peter) had spent the entire night fishing without a catch to show for his efforts. Dejected, he was cleaning his nets, when the Lord Jesus borrowed his boat to deliver a sermon to the people who crowded around Him.

Later, the Lord Jesus told Simon to row the boat into deeper waters and let down the nets. Simon said, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” – Luke 5:5 (NIV)

It is this ‘I may have fished all my life, but You are God even over the waters’ kind of trust that gets divine results!

It was hardly surprising that they caught fish when they obeyed the Lord Jesus. But, Simon and his partners were not prepared for the net-tearing, boat-sinking catch that laid in wait for them.

Today, God maybe asking some of us to try something that failed before.

Our God can spring rivers in deserts, split seas in half and flood us with blessings from the most unlikely sources. If we feel the counsel of the Holy Spirit leading us to take a leap of faith and venture where we failed before, let’s do it with full confidence, knowing that the God whom we trust will bless us beyond our wildest expectations.



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