Greater Works


John 14:12 – “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”

What would you consider a productive day? Perhaps it means ticking off every item on your to-do list or completing all your projects at work on time. Have you wondered what a productive day was in Jesus’s life? It probably began with a quiet time of prayer, and was filled with preaching, teaching, healing and delivering the people who sought Him.

Jesus told His disciples that they would do greater works than Him because He was going to the Father after His resurrection. This promise holds good for us as well – the disciples of Jesus in the 21st century. But are we busy doing the greater works that Jesus mentioned? Or are we so caught up in a busy quest to just complete our daily chores and have a productive day at work?

If it’s your desire to get closer to God in 2019, make room in your schedule for Him to work. You’ll never know what God can do with just a few minutes of your time. Start your day with a time of prayer and reading the Word, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Then, keep your eyes peeled for people you can influence with the love of Christ. When you give God room in your day, He will open up opportunities for you to help, encourage and guide others closer to Him. Let this year be filled with greater works that overflow from your faith in Christ.



  1. Ramakrishna
    07 Jan 2019 06:41:23 Reply

    Indeed in the name of Jesus Christ what a wonderful privilege we have in 2019 to serve the Lord all thanks and glory to be God Almighty for His triumphant promise.
    In the name of Jesus Christ I pray Amen

  2. Jhansi
    07 Jan 2019 09:19:32 Reply

    Thank u pastor for such encouraging message…god bless u..i kindly request u to post the declaration wich v did on New Year service, so that i can take a print out & say it every day…pleassssse do the needful…thank u.. hav a blessed day😊

  3. Beatrice
    07 Jan 2019 10:49:00 Reply

    So true…we have been so busy focussing on our work that we have totally neglected that which is most essential. 2019 is my resolution to spend quality time with good and have started… seeking HIM whole heartedly because I have realized that’s exactly what I need. Want to claim this promise of today’s and do greater things for Christ Jesus.

  4. Catherine
    07 Jan 2019 13:35:26 Reply

    Amen praise the Lord Jesus. The year of triumph.all Glory to JESUS.

  5. Lavanya
    07 Jan 2019 23:56:13 Reply

    Yes,Even I wanted to be closer to God this year . Please pray for me to be with God the whole year. Amen

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