Greatest Treasure


Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble. Proverbs 15:16

The world promotes quick ‘get-rich’ schemes and shortcuts to success. Often, we see the world praising so-called risk-takers, who flaunt their disdain for following God. Those who fear the Lord and live righteously are antiquated and mocked by the same world.

What is the top pursuit of your life?
The world’s richest and most famous rank lowest on God’s list. No, God is not against success or riches. He wants us to be at the top in everything we do. Immeasurably more than an earthly father, He desires the best for us. But God’s best plans may not be the best according to the world standards. The devil, on the other hand, wants us to worship him to acquire riches, fame, and pleasures. His way is to win at the expense of violating God’s ways. 

A content life seems to be an impossible goal to achieve. Every chance he gets, the devil tries to entice us into the spirit of comparison, envy, jealousy, entitlement and other negative emotions. For a child of God, it is a continuous war between spirit and flesh. We cannot be satisfied in life unless we fully trust God Almighty. Apostle Paul learned the secret of facing plenty and lack by trusting God’s ways(Philippians 4:12-13).

What about us – are we content in less or more? When we have the fear of the Lord in our lives, the little that we have is more than enough for a great victory. As David did, five small stones can sufficiently bring down the giants in our lives. Without God, we may have the best of the lot yet still face defeat. God should be the greatest treasure in our lives rather than all other treasures the world values. 

Today, let us commit to desiring God’s best for our lives. It may not be pleasing to the world, but let us learn to be content with the little in our lives by fearing the Lord.


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