Grumbling to Gratitude


Psalm 34, written by David from a cave at Adullam. These were desperate times for David – He was a fugitive, running away from King Saul, who wanted to kill him. At this point in his life, David was homeless, hungry, and living with many outcasts. Yet, this is a joyful and wise psalm. From deep within his heart, David is grateful to the Lord for rescuing him out of the hands of his enemies, this attitude pleased God, and therefore David is a man after God’s heart.

In contrast to David, God refers to the Israelites as a ‘wicked community’ because they grumbled (Numbers 14:26-30). The Bible refers to grumbling as “faithless complaining.”

Most times our first reaction to a situation that doesn’t go our way is to grumble. God never promised us smooth sailing. The Lord Jesus certainly promises us that He will be right beside us, guiding and helping us. Recounting and remembering the Lord’s faithfulness in our life helps us build a heart of Gratitude. It gives us a new perspective- renewing our minds and improving our attitude. Living life with a heart praising God at all times lifts our burdens, builds our confidence in the Lord. It causes us to see every situation differently. Therefore our faith and our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ deepens; we face life’s challenges head-on without wavering or doubting God.

To develop a heart of praising God, we need to ask the Lord to change us on the inside. Remember to count our blessings daily – What He has done for us, what He is doing and what He has promised He will do in His word.


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