Have You Found Your Samuel?


Joshua 23:14 Deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the LORD your God has come true. Not a single one has failed!

What is the greatest promise you’ve received from God? Do you believe that it will come to pass?

David was anointed to be king at a young age. However, he returned to shepherd his father’s flock after receiving the promise of a lifetime!

What was going through David’s mind? Did he still believe in God’s promise?

One thing’s for sure, David forged an inseparable bond with Samuel, the prophet who anointed him. Often, we need a Samuel in our lives to strengthen us when we are down and reinforce the promises God has bestowed on us.

Have you found your Samuel? If you have, cling to them like your life depends on it, because it does!

Saul wanted to kill David when he realized that David would take his throne. On hearing Saul’s plan, David rushed to meet Samuel. Saul sent wave after wave of soldiers to kill David, but the spirit of the Lord came upon them and they went from soldiers to prophets in the blink of an eye.

Finally, Saul, himself, travelled to Samuel’s location. Even he was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to prophesy.

In the meantime, David escaped unharmed.

Shortly after Saul tried to kill him, he was crowned king of Israel. He went on to become the greatest king in the history of the nation. Lots of things changed in the life of David, but two things remained constant – his love for God and his unwavering relationship with Samuel. It was this relationship that strengthened, rejuvenated, and most of all set God’s promises in motion.

If you haven’t found the Samuel to your David, ask God in earnest prayer to introduce you to this person. Your life will never be the same again!


One Comment

  1. Ruby willam Dhaser
    29 Dec 2023 13:23:26 Reply

    please help me father Jesus feeling disturbed can’t understand what’s happening please lead me gurd me thanks

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