Having a heart to help


Luke 6:30:  Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again (KJV).

This verse speaks about genorosity.  God wants His people to be generous.  He wants us to help those in need.  The Lord Jesus also does not want us to demand our goods back from the one who took it.  Well, sounds “not-such-a-good doctrine” right?

The idea of lending to everyone who asks does not mean that we switch off our brains in so doing.  We are not obliged to always give to everyone who asks us.  That is not the idea here.  On the other hand, it only means to help someone in need when we have the resources and the strength to do it.  God wants us to have a generous heart and to be kind.  When we help someone, never expect anything in return from them.  We should rest assured that God sees what we do for others, and He will reward us accordingly.

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men.  This is what Paul wrote to the Galatians.  Let us not get tired of doing good, but always remember to be wise and do not get tricked or fooled in so doing.  Ask God to help you make the right decision and be a blessing to many with your time, talent, and treasure.




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