He is our Hope and Help


Psalm 146:5
Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God,”

Psalm 146 and the Psalms after that are considered as Praise Psalms as it begins and ends “Praise the Lord”. Here Psalmist in verses 3 and 4 encourages all not to put trust in Princes who will one day return to dust and so their plans. From verse 5 onwards he proclaims the greatness of our Lord and hence he says in Psalm 146:5 “Happy” is he who has God of Jacob as his help.

Our Lord is the one who was and is and is to come. He is unshakable. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. He is the one who overcame death and He is our risen savior. He lives forever more. Trusting Him with our lives, our careers, our education, our family, and with our everything is the most blessed choice one can make.

Our God never sleeps nor slumbers, He will never leave us nor forsake us. All through the bible we can see He has never failed anyone who has trusted Him. Because of this truth, David proclaims that his help comes from his Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Therefore let us allow Him to help us and let us put our hope in Him alone and surely we shall be glad, happy, blessed, and at rest always.

Blessed Day Ahead.


One Comment

  1. Ame
    18 Mar 2023 22:14:13 Reply

    Thank you pastor this message makes me feel alive and to have more faith in the lord Jesus Praise God for he is our living God

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