He is The Light of the World


John 8:12
Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

In the above scripture,
Jesus begins another round of teaching dealing with His origin and eternal relationship to the Father. He was addressing Pharisees.

In the Gospel of John “I am” is always followed by a qualification of Christ and here the qualification is “light of the world”.
Jesus proclaims to be the light in this dark world filled with evil. Jesus is “the” light and not “a” light. Light symbolizes the Holiness of God, the revelation of the truth of God, Glory of God. He visibly manifested the majesty of God.
Those who follow Him have light to guide them. “Follows” here is the daily experiential walk with the Lord. Jesus’ followers will never walk in darkness because they will have the “light of life.” And this light never ends. Therefore, we are to walk in the light as a course of life.

To Summarize John 8:12
: People who come to the truth will come to the light (John 3:21). The world has no light of its own, but Jesus came into the world as light. He brings the light of salvation or eternal life to those who receive Him. The Savior of the world is the light of the world.

Blessed Day Ahead.


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