He Knew You and Set You Apart


Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations”

This is the word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah confirming that he was appointed to be a prophet to Judah. He was chosen to confront Judah’s kings and people for their sins, wickedness, and backsliding, leading the nation towards destruction.

Like, how a manufacturer knows the manufacturing Know-how. God told Jeremiah that He knew him even before he was formed in his mother’s womb. He was set apart for a specific purpose. God foreknew his personality, gifts, talents, emotional quotient, physical attributes, strengths, and weaknesses, etc. even before he was formed.

Jeremiah was still doubtful and couldn’t believe that he could be a prophet and felt he was not equipped enough to take this calling. He responded to God by saying that he was still a child. God assured Jeremiah that He will be with him and rescue him. (Jeremiah 1:8). Scholars figured out that Jeremiah served as God’s spokesman to Judah for approximately 40 years having God on his side.

Jeremiah was not the only one who doubted God’s call. Moses was full of arguments when God told him to approach Pharaoh to free the Israelites from slavery. Gideon was doubtful when God called him to deliver Israel from Midianites saying he was the least of the least. Jonah ran away from God when he was called to go to Nineveh and warn the people for their wickedness. However, God assured them all that He will be on their side and put His words in their mouth. Remember when the Lord calls, He has his own style of fulfilling it by equipping the chosen.

Like the above-mentioned chosen ones, there could be moments of despair and depression, feel alone, a failure, doubting the competence and the purpose of life. Maybe it is effortless for most of us to step up to the calling when it is easy. Undoubtedly, we start to wrestle with God with His assignment when it is out of our comfort zone. We may not feel worthy of His calling. Nevertheless, God wants to remind you today that you were in His thoughts. He knows us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb and sanctified us for a plan and a purpose. We have a unique calling to fulfil, and he will equip us with whatever required to fulfil the calling. Stay blessed!


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