
Jeremiah 17:14 – “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.”

In these times of pandemic, who hasn’t asked for healing, or for a prayer for someone to be healed? Sickness is really a very sad circumstance we and our loved ones have gone through. Sadly, some may not have been healed, and the Lord took them home.

But healing is not only necessarily healing of the body. Some of us have hurts that no one can see, they may be a very deep emotional hurt; very well concealed in the depths of our mind.

We have a God Who can heal us in every aspect of our being: our body and our emotions. Jesus took upon Him all our diseases, all our infirmities, every single one of them: all the physical, and all the emotional infirmities, the ones we see, and also the ones we cannot see.

And salvation? It comes from our God, He rescues our souls from eternal sickness, pain, and death. He has purchased us with His precious blood, by His wounds we are healed, and we are saved.

He is our source of healing and of our praise. We praise Him for everything that He has done for us, for the healing that He provided, for the salvation that He purchased, for the amazing love He bestows on us.

Thank you Father, we praise You, we thank You for healing us, for saving us, for taking us into your arms, for preparing a table for us, for preparing a room for us, for loving us with your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



  1. Bernard rozario noronha
    10 Jun 2021 08:54:44 Reply

    Hello pastor
    God is the healer , faith in jesus very important , pray for my son bennet gerald noronha very slow in his academic activities , he his 9years old, plz do keep in your groups all time . Thank you.


  2. Cynia Phillips
    10 Jun 2021 12:25:11 Reply

    I praise and thank the lord for healing me and my family as we were not well and was very sick with covid and the Lord Jesus healed us.I praise and thank you Jesus for healing us completely. You are worthy to be praised and adored. I thank you lord for your abundant blessings on us.Your grace and mercy is always with us. Amen

  3. Rani
    11 Jun 2021 17:14:35 Reply

    While I was reading tis I was touched by the way it is mentioned about the deep emotional hurts…which no one else can see, or share with…I want to mention here about what had happened last week…one of the members in our extended family circle spoke words which were beyond the limit we could take in…so today it’s so comforting when I realized that our God can heal us and love us with His everlasting love. Thank you Pastor. God Bless you.

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