Healed by His Stripes


Matthew 8:17 – “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”

The context of today’s verse was set one evening at Peter’s house. Jesus had healed Peter’s mother in law from a fever earlier in the day, and in the evening, many demon-possessed people were brought to Him. The Bible says Jesus drove out the evils spirits with just His word and healed all the sick (Matthew 8:16). Matthew then recounts that what Jesus did was a fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 53:4.

Isaiah 53 talks about Jesus as the suffering servant – despised and rejected, bruised and battered, sorrowful and grief-stricken, oppressed and afflicted. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). But why? Why would God let His only beloved Son go through so much pain and suffering for no fault of His? Only because He loved you and me too much to let us spend eternity separated from Him.

Through the blood of Jesus, we now have forgiveness and healing. He has made us whole – body, soul and spirit. By His stripes we are healed indeed. If you need physical, emotional or spiritual healing, know that Jesus already bore the wounds and purchased your healing on the cross. Keep praying for your healing and believe the Lord will make you whole again.


One Comment

  1. v bhaskar
    19 Aug 2018 05:59:52 Reply

    Pls pray for me. Due to unhealthy condition/relation in work place, stress level and sugar level had gone up. Pray for the wholesome cleaning of my body and the situations at my work place

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