Help in Time


Our help is in the name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. Psalm 124:8

Time stands as one of our most precious resources, intricately woven into God’s creation. From the moment we become conscious inhabitants of Earth, whether as a child or in old age, we recognize the need for assistance. Though we identify as individuals, we exist within entities such as family, society, province, state, country, continent, and Earth. As we age and embrace faith in Christ, His plans unfold, revealing the purpose of living and the coherence of His design.

God, in His wisdom, has intricately wired us to sense His omnipresence, both on Earth and beyond. In the face of various circumstances, such as financial strain, rapid child growth, unmet needs, joblessness, admission challenges, relationship conflicts, prayerlessness, waiting for marriage, health issues, lethargy, disappointment, betrayal, and isolation, calling upon the name of Jesus proves sufficient.

Help is prepared even before we make our pleas to God, as He abhors witnessing His children suffer. His words and revelations stand as ample support. He is always just one prayer away. He does not coerce, but gently speaks to our conscience. As the Bible declares, “He is our ever-present help” (Psalm 46:1). Ask, seek and knock, and doors shall open; you shall find the help you seek.

Jesus loves you, so He gives you a hope and a good future, to prosper you, since He has redeemed you. You are not lost, you are loved. Your life is a life of worship. Stay in His presence, and submit to Him. He is all we need, even beyond what we can ask, think or imagine, He is able to provide.


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