Hey Handsome, Hey Beautiful!


I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well. – Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

Psalm 139:14 invites us to change our perspective from a self-critique to seeing God’s perspective. God created us with a purpose and a plan because of His love for us. Let’s consider the three powerful affirmations in this verse, which stand as a beacon of truth and encouragement.

‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made,’ the term “fearfully” indicates awe and admiration rather than fear as we generally interpret it. We bear God’s likeness and embody His divine qualities. God’s creativity and wisdom are demonstrated by the very fact that we exist.

‘Marvelous are Your Works,’ the complexity of life, and the diverse ecosystems that make up the entire cosmos are proof of the ingenuity and power of our Creator. This magnificent work of art includes our very existence. God purposefully created us to reflect His glory and love; we are not here by chance.

‘My Soul Knows Very Well,’ the psalmist acknowledges that his soul is fully aware of the reality of our creation. This fact is more than just a mental affirmation; it is a firmly held truth that resonates in his entire being. Being completely aware of and accepting the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made changes how we see ourselves and other people.

We are free from the bonds of judgment, insecurity, and self-doubt. We are valued not for what we do, look, or achieve but for who we are in God’s eyes. When we fully accept and embrace this truth, it becomes a source of profound gratitude and praise.

As we go about our days, remember that each person we encounter is ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ made by the same Creator who formed us. May we treat ourselves and others with the respect and kindness that this truth deserves.


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