Hidden and Shielded!!!


Psalm 119:114

You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your Word.

“I wish I could just disappear for a while and then come back,” wailed Sara. “I’m sick and tired of all that the world keeps throwing at me!” she continued.

Isn’t it true? So many things that can cause us to be insecure, fearful and insignificant, affecting our feelings to an extent where we mindlessly may wander off from the ‘City of Refuge’ as in the case of Abner. (2 Sam 3:33)

Whatever it is you feel like running away from, run towards His presence. Get so immersed in His Word that you get lost in it…so lost that you are hidden from all that the world throws at you. He is your shield, so even while you are hidden, the Lord Himself is your mighty protection that shelters and safeguards you!

Infuse His Word into your being by meditating on the Word…try it…take a couple of quiet moments, close your eyes and shut yourself from the distractions. Let this be your WORD for today-You, dear Lord, are my hiding place, my shield; I will put my hope in Your Word. Do it as many times a day as it benefits you and builds your hope. There is nothing as stable and unshakable as His Word! Build your life on this, just like the wise man who built his house upon the ROCK!!!



  1. Snehalatha Stanley
    16 Jul 2019 06:12:59 Reply

    These words of comfort are really good. But I àm sick of this world, when someone prays and meditate the Bible on daily basis,but no results yet.No answer from the Almighty,still struggling and in pain.My hubby is not able to work since 3years and lost his job,and I because of him I couldn’t concentrate on my profession.So I am still waiting for his answer, shattered and wonder why these things are happening with me.

    • Bethel Team
      16 Jul 2019 23:26:51 Reply

      Dear Snehalatha,
      Thank you for sharing what you’re going through with us. We pray that the Lord, in His faithfulness and righteousness WILL answer you as you continue to meditate on His Word (Psalm 143). May you experience His goodness that you will sing of His mercies and make known His faithfulness in your lives to all generations. Stay blessed and highly favoured in Christ.

  2. Rishi pal singh varma
    20 Jul 2019 15:16:09 Reply

    I believe these promises of GOD I am facing false ACCUSATIONS from wicked people
    I can only rest my confidence on lord who will not allow any fear to set in and no harm will be caused to me and to my profession
    PRAISE the Lord

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