Higher Calling!


I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 (NIV)

Most people who set goals for themselves tend to forget their goals and stop moving toward them. But some who want success take small steps toward that goal irrespective of the circumstance. In the same way, we, as God’s children, have a goal, purpose or a calling in life. God has called us to do things for Him while on Earth. The specific purpose for each of our lives is different for the other, our calling is unique. Regardless of our purpose, it should be something we are actively pursuing to fulfill, through the grace of God. If we need to know our calling we need to ask the Lord who designed our life.

It’s easy to get busy in life and forget the things God has called us to do. The challenge today is not to let go of God’s purpose and calling. They might not always come to pass immediately, but if we keep taking steps toward the goal, the Lord will prosper our efforts.

Here Paul uses the life of a sportsperson as a metaphor for our Christian living. We are to live like an athlete who has a goal, running with an aim straight towards the finish line to win a prize. Our focus should be like a boxer who aims his punches at the target to win the fight. We have to be conscious to live this life of great purpose.

Letting go of our past sin-filled life that kept us away from our divine calling, let’s choose today to pursue godly goals and purpose until we have seen them come to pass in our life.


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