Highway for the upright


The way of the sluggard is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. Proverbs 15:19 (NIV)

A sluggard is someone who lacks the motivation to accomplish anything. They exist in a parasitic manner by relying on others. Sluggishness could also be due to biological or physical factors, but in this context, it refers to a person’s attitude. Though sluggards may appear content, they resist change and persist in having things their way. While it may seem like a harmless personality trait, it can be detrimental in reality.

As followers of Christ, leading unproductive and sluggish lives brings dishonor to God. Instead, we should strive to live purposefully, progressing within the bounds of God’s provisions and our talents. Our attitudes shape our character. Consequently, we should strive to embody the characteristics of God rather than those of a sluggard.

For those who live upright, there is a highway that leads to a bright future. This highway demands constant progress without the option of slowing down or turning back. On the contrary, when we are sluggish in our commitment to God, we will find ourselves on a difficult and thorny path.

On our journey through the highway, let God’s Spirit guide us to move forward without stubbornness or complacency hindering our steps. Let’s remind ourselves to walk uprightly with God and not be paralyzed by sluggishness.


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