His Mercy Endureth Forever


Psalm 118:1
“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.”

Psalm 118 is one of the God-centered Psalms. Here, the psalmist expresses gratitude, admiration, joy, and praise for who He is. It also expresses reliance on God and not on human strength. It was probably the heartbeat of David, after all that he had been through on his journey, to becoming king, for which he was anointed. A true confession of who God was for him.

Was David’s life a bed of roses? We all know, it was not. He had around 13 tough years before he could really experience God’s promise accomplished in his life. When we read through this Psalm, we shall get a glimpse of David’s learning about who God was through every situation he faced. Hence, it is perfect to begin the Psalm with – “For He is good”….. David understood that his circumstance doesn’t decide whether God is good or not, He is good anyways. Through it all, our never changing and ever-loving God is the same i.e. “He is GOOD”.

Psalm 118:1 also mentions that “His mercy endures forever” or “His love endures forever”. God’s love/mercy has no end and it is fresh and new every morning. It is unconditional and unfailing. It deserves all our thanks. In a world where everything is limited and conditional, we need firm support to cling to and for sure He offers His love with an outstretched arm.

Our lives are not different from that of David’s, we have our share of challenges every day. The tears, fears, anxiety, and worry we go through, none may understand, except God. Like David, let us choose to run to Him and trust Him. Whether it was then or now, His goodness, mercy, and love are the same. He is the fortress we can run into and be safe. Good times or bad, doesn’t change God. He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is always present in every season of our lives. Yes, He is good and His mercy endures forever!

Blessed Day Ahead.


One Comment

  1. Nicholas Pink
    09 Jun 2022 05:34:05 Reply

    Father. I place my hope in you alone. Lord. Thank you for your mercy, your love and all the blessings praise you Jesus thank you lord for your love. Amen 🙏

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