His Vision, Our Mission


Colossians 1:12  Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

The light shines bright when we follow God’s vision for our lives.

Nehemiah was cup bearer to King Artaxerxes in a foreign land. Though circumstances were against him, he prayed for God’s vision. Sure enough God put a desire in him to rebuild the city of Jerusalem – the city from which he was taken prisoner when the Persian empire defeated Israel.

Sometimes God’s vision is not easy to discern. It takes faith to believe God’s plan. But when we allow His vision to guide our lives, we can rest assured that the God with whom nothing is impossible will not leave our side.

As cupbearer, Nehemiah had little freedom to leave the king’s palace, let alone the right to a long leave of absence.

But, God turned the king’s heart in Nehemiah’s favour.

King Artaxerxes granted Nehemiah his very wish – from an extended time off from the palace, to letters for his safe passage to Israel, the king said no to nothing. He even sent his army officers and cavalry to escort Nehemiah.

The vision of God is never ordinary. It presents us with opportunities aplenty to thank God for His goodness.

Are you ready for the extraordinary?


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