Holy and Righteous God


Psalm 145:17 – “The Lord is righteous in all His ways, Holy in all His works.”

Holiness and righteousness are two characteristics the Lord wants His children to possess. One might think this is too high a call for mere mortals, but the Lord would not ask it of us if it was utterly impossible. God, our Father, is both righteous and holy as David exclaims in today’s verse. As His children, we too can imbibe the same characteristics when we spend time with Him and learn from His Word.

The dictionary defines ‘holy’ as, ‘morally and spiritually excellent’. And ‘righteousness’ is defined as, ‘morally right or justifiable’. While the world may change it’s definition of what’s morally right, God does not. He has laid out principles for a virtuous life in the Bible, and we will have a blessed life when we abide by them.

God does not ask us to try to be holy and righteous on our own. He has given us the Holy Spirit to help, teach, guide and remind us of all that He has said. The Lord is perfect in all His ways. Everything He teaches us is for our own good. It will definitely benefit us to humble ourselves, seek the Lord’s help and strive to live according to His Word.
