Hope, patience, and prayer


Romans 12:12:  Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer.

Every child of God has something to hope for, and that is Jesus.  There is hope that our God is alive and because He lives, we can boldly face the challenges of tomorrow.  We may have lots of difficulties and struggles in our everyday life, but praise be to God because He will strengthen us and encourage us to run this race with faith.

The ordinary everyday troubles is nothing compared to the joy that we will be enjoying with Jesus in heaven.  That is the hope that all of us who believe in Jesus have.  It is in this hope that Paul wants us to rejoice.  He also encourages us to be patient in tribulation.  Patience is one of the fruit of the Spirit.  The more we exercise patience, the more we become more like Christ.  Christ endured the shame, suffering, rejection, and death on the cross patiently because He knew that in 3 days from then, He would raise from the death.  He was rejoicing in the hope that He was going back to His Father and our’s.  Christ is the perfect role model for all of us who battle storms and winds in life.  Ask God to help us to rejoice and to be patient in tribulation.  Continue to seek God everyday, every moment.  Stay connected to God irrespective of the situation that you find yourselves in.  Let your heart be in tune with God.

If there is one thing that can keep a child of God going, it is this hope that we have about our future in heaven.  When we look at our life that way, then no tribulation is great enough to destroy us provided we continue in prayer and communication with God.
