How to Love Your Enemies


Matthew 5:44

“Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

What’s your first reaction when someone snubs you? The most common response would be to say something snarky back or quietly hold a grudge against them. The way of the world would be to repay tit for tat, but Jesus Christ encourages His followers to do something counter-cultural. He wants us to:

  • Love our enemies
  • Bless those who curse us
  • Do good to those who hate us
  • Pray for those who spitefully use us or persecute us

At first glance, this seems almost impossible to do by ourselves. But God specializes in the impossible. He has given us the Holy Spirit to help us follow His Word and thereby receive the blessing of obedience.

The next time a friend, family member, coworker, or even a stranger treats you rudely, take a second to pause and pray for them. We may not always understand what’s going on in their life that’s caused them to be bitter towards us. But we can receive the grace of God to treat them in a kind and respectful manner – the way we’d want to be treated.

It might be wise to keep your distance from toxic people who constantly belittle you. However, you can pray for them, release the bitterness you hold towards them, and ask God to help you love like Him.


One Comment

  1. Harvey Underwood
    03 Oct 2022 10:14:57 Reply

    so good! their are many in my community like that. I know I won’t make them like me but I will pray for them all.

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