I Sing for Joy at the Work of Your Hands. 


Psalm 9:1
“I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.”

The Bible is full of great things the Lord has done for His people. We praise you, Lord, for the way you called Abraham by grace and mercy to bless him and the nation that would come from him. We praise you, Lord, for how You delivered Your people out of slavery in Egypt. We praise you for how you split the sea in half and showed us Your Mighty Power. Above all, we praise You for the wonderful deed, the cross where You died for our sins and rose from the grave. Though we didn’t deserve it, You gave us Your only Son.

Victory, peace, happiness, forgiveness, mercy, and grace are His biggest gifts for us, for which we will be eternally grateful.

Every day, when we wake up and just reflect on all the great work the Lord has done in our lives, we tend to see the entire day from a different perspective. When our faith feels weak, let us remember all the marvelous work He has done in the past and have confidence that Our God never changes; He will continue to do it because He is a Promise Keeper; He does what He promises according to His timelines


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