Imitating Christ


Therefore, be imitators of God as dear children. Ephesians 5:1

Children begin imitating their parents and those around them from a very young age. As they grow into their teen years their world view grows broader, they start imitating a cool friend, a celebrity, or any person to whom they are drawn.

Even though we may not realize it, we always imitate those who are near and dear to us. We see some characteristic or trait which we loved in a person and we cannot stop imitating.

But the caveat is that we need to be careful whom we imitate. Paul challenges us to be imitators of God.

How can we humans imitate the Lord Jesus Christ?

Can we be creators?

Can we give life?

Can we heal?

Yes !! we can in our own way.

We can stretch out our hands, ears, and hearts to those wounded, broken, unloved, and defeated people around us.

While we imitate the Lord Jesus in this manner, we will Create Hope, Joy, and Peace in the lives of people. We may be giving some people a new lease of Life or second chance in their lives. We will Heal broken hearts.

We will truly be Christ-like.



  1. Martha Udom
    30 Jun 2020 08:19:53 Reply

    Encourage hearing God word 🙏🙌 bless you always 🙌 please pray for Mumbai especially now lockdown extended till July 31

    • Bethel Team
      30 Jun 2020 09:55:56 Reply

      Dear Martha,

      The present situation is constantly in prayers. We are encouraged to know that you were blessed by the word

  2. Sarita Nair
    30 Jun 2020 08:27:34 Reply

    Morning pastor, I was so tune to hearing the praise n worship in the morning so I just went up to the link least realising that there won’t be any morning devotion further,sad,that only was giving a boost n hope to face d day,anyhow God is gr8 n His plans are different,tnq for all those sermons.

    • Bethel Team
      30 Jun 2020 09:53:17 Reply

      Dear Sarita,
      Great to know that you were blessed by the devotions. May the Lord grant you His peace, hope, and joy during these difficult times . Blessings!!

  3. Dr.Priya Joseph
    30 Jun 2020 11:24:56 Reply

    Thank u for bringing the word of God in such a beautiful..simple…direct manner…feels so good to be a Christian..keep me in your prayers as situation for working people in Thailand is not do good right now.

    • Bethel Team
      30 Jun 2020 13:47:21 Reply

      Dear Priya,

      Nothing happens in this world without the knowledge of our God. May the Lord protect and cover you during these difficult times. By His wounds, this world will be healed. Blessings !!

  4. Arpana
    30 Jun 2020 15:26:42 Reply

    I use to hear morning daily devotion of yours brother and that was my routine and part to hear from lord through you …plz do continue as lots of soul is still in want of that encouragment……I and my family has been blessed a lot….

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