In him I am whole


Philippians  4:13 – I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me.

Each one us is undergoing a battle. A battle of some kind or another.  At times this battle makes us falter. At times it makes us weak. At times it makes us wander in the midst of nowhere. We find ourselves lost. We find ourselves wading through deep waters and at times we feel and sense like Peter who was drowning in the water but at the same time he had his eyes on Jesus and was holding his hand out to Jesus seeking his intervention.

In every form of adversity this is one scripture that comes to mind. Every believer stands firm to this believe that he can be strengthenth only in the Lord’s embrace. But moreover, it’s only through Christ and in his innermost place of worship that one can find  direction. “Your way is not my way neither your plan is my plan. His voice upholds and drowns out everything around us.

His voice calls out from the deepest being of our soul. It not only strengthens our bones and muscles but it also fights the good fight.”Not by might, nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord. What is human strength or what is man so mindful of when it comes to his emotions, feelings or life itself? All and everything is the Lord’s.

We need to proclaim the promises of the word and shout it out to every nook and cranny of our lives. The dead that lies in every aspect of our lives will walk again. The breath of the Lord will fill our emptiness, our frustrations, our darkest fears and our innermost insecurities. We will rise like eagles flying high and to the innermost places that only the Lord has so rightly secured for those who love and depend alone on him.



One Comment

  1. Neelam
    16 Oct 2018 21:48:48 Reply

    I was literally in need of this. I am going through something which I am not able to accept. I have left everything in his hand. I believe in him and his gracious timings.Amen.

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