In His Image


Psalms 112:5,6 – A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs with discretion. Surely, he will never be shaken; The righteous will be in everlasting remembrance.

While Bible says that Abraham was identified righteous by his faith in God (Genesis 15:6), a righteous man is about much more than about just his faith. Righteousness is defined as being morally upstanding, virtuous, and ethical. One who is a true child of God, will automatically display attributes of goodness. In fact, it is our responsibility that we operate ourselves virtuously when we are bearing the name of our God. We need to pray for His likeness displayed through us. Accordingly, people around us should be able to see Jesus like nature in us when we deal with worldly situations. When we are in right standing with God, He will equip us with wisdom, kindness, excellence, love, discretion, diligence and every other attribute that we need to live an amazing life in this world. God will help us become the person He intends for us to be. Let us strive to live a life true to the statement, “God made the man in His image”.


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