Fighting fire with Faith


Isaiah 48:10

Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.

Centuries ago, in the province of Babylon, Daniel’s friends – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – were decreed to be fatally burned, for refusing to bow down to an image of gold that was set up by the king.

Though their life was in danger, their faith in God was unshakeable.

How many of us would put our life on the line for our God?

When we have faith in affliction, our God will use the toughest of situations to display His mighty power!

And so, the soldiers of the king threw Daniel’s friends into the furnace, which was hot enough to reduce Babylonian flesh to ashes. But, God sent His angel to shield Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Not one hair on their head was burnt by the fire that killed the Babylonian soldiers.

King Nebuchadnezzar summoned the trio out of the furnace and publicly praised their God.

Yes, when we ignite our faith, no fire can burn us!

Our God will be rightfully glorified, and the residue of the situation will leave us with unimaginable benefits, much like the promotion received by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, after exiting the furnace.

Many a time God tests us in the furnace of affliction to judge our loyalty.

Do we have what it takes to walk through the fire with our eyes fixed on Him? If so, we will certainly exit the furnace as refined golden vessels, moulded to lead God’s mighty mission! 


When God wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man,
And skill a man
When God wants to mould a man
To play the noblest part;

When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch His methods, watch His ways!

How He ruthlessly perfects
Whom He royally elects!
How He hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him

Into trial shapes of clay which
Only God understands;
While his tortured heart is crying
And he lifts beseeching hands!

How He bends but never breaks
When his good He undertakes;
How He uses whom He chooses,
And which every purpose fuses him;
By every act induces him
To try His splendour out-
God knows what He’s about.

– Anonymous



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