Inheritance of Righteous


Psalm 37:29
The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell in it forever.

Psalm 37 is a “Didactic song”; it is wisdom teachings combined with instruction from “Torah”. Reading this psalm, we must understand the providence of God and accommodate ourselves to it. We have to carefully do our part and leave the rest to God, believing that it shall be ” Well with those who fear God”. The above verse, needs to be taken contextually.

Who are the righteous? Righteous are all those who believe in Jesus. They do justly, are kind, continue to do good, turn away from evil ways, glorify God and edify others and bring their will to the entire subjection of God’s will and Word always. Hence, embrace the robe of righteousness which is from Christ. Scripture says, “Righteous” shall inherit the land and dwell in it.

Great is the reward for those who chose to abide in Christ and Christ in them. They, indeed, bear much fruit for the glory of the Most High. Rewards are both for now and eternity. For here and now, we shall be favored like the Israelities, when they were brought into the land flowing with milk and honey. We see how God enabled, empowered, and equipped them for a victorious life. He is the same today also. The greatest reward we can receive is His presence(Deuteronomy 31:8). We are co-heirs with Christ and will dwell in His presence, throughout eternity. So, let us not give up walking with Jesus, no matter what challenges come our way because great is His faithfulness and so is our reward.

Blessed Day Ahead.


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