Inseparable Love from God


Romans 8:35—”Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword.

All things, whatever they maybe in heaven and earth, do not adequately display God’s free love for us as: the gift of his coequal Son to be the atonement on the cross for our sins. Everything else follows our union with God and our interest in Him when we accept Christ. “All things” can include all causes or means of any faithful Christian. Jesus who has prepared a crown and a place in His kingdom for us, will give us what we need during our life here on the way towards the kingdom.

We may justify ourselves, eventhough we have accusations of sin against us; but if God justifies (divine justice) us, that answers everyone. Because we are secure in God through what Christ did for us on the cross – His death to pay our debts.  We have such a Friend at the right hand of God to whom God has given all power. Jesus is there, interceding on our behalf.

Now do you feel – I wish I could stay in the will of God? Then:
– we need to take heed of our spirit to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading.
– we need to stay rooted in Christ and not be perplexed in our thoughts (making them fruitless and with endless doubts).
– we must draw nearer to Jesus who justifies the ungodly, when the Holy Spirit convinces us of our ungodliness.
Yes, you are condemned, but always remember that Christ was dead and is risen. Go to your living God in repentance and obedience. God manifested His love by giving His own Son for us. Can any thing turn us away from this love or even do away with that love? Whatever believers may be separated from, enough love remains. Think of any reason : Troubles? Hazards? Sins? None can take Christ from the believer: none can take the believer from Him; and that is enough.

You may be removed from pleasant homes, friends, and estates. You may even seek to part from things and friends. In the end, you must part with everything and everyone for you must die. Farewell to all that this world accounts most valuable. What will we have left? If one doesn’t have Christ, they will only have one thing that they gladly want to part with and cannot –  the condemning guilt of all their sins! A soul that is in Christ cleaves to Christ even when other things are pulled away. And the separations don’t make them sad. In fact when death comes and breaks all other unions, including that of the soul and body, it carries the believer’s soul into the nearest union with its beloved Lord Jesus. You, the Believer, resting in and cleaving to Christ will be filled with joy of being with God for ever.
