Irrevocable Freedom


John 8:36
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.

What is Freedom? Our nation celebrated its 75th year of independence recently. Why did we want to be free? We wanted to be free so we could establish our own laws and government. We wanted to be free because we were meant to be a free nation and not under the yoke.

Freedom for an individual is very important. As it is necessary to have physical, social, and mental freedom, spiritual freedom is also essential. We were created to be free beings. God blessed us to have dominion, multiply and replenish. Yes! That’s the heart of God towards us. However, sin crept in and separated us from the originality and also from the blessed relationship with God.

We are so dear to our God that He had to send His only begotten Son to reconcile us back to our original state. Jesus is the genuine Son of God. He is the only one who can free us from the price of sin. Freedom here is deliverance from the penalty of sin (Spiritual Freedom). It comes by faith in Christ (Ga 3:26). Those who Jesus liberates are truly free. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death (Ro 8:2).

We have been set free so we no longer need to continue in the deadly things. We now have the freedom to be under the control of the Holy Spirit. And the benefit we receive from living in that freedom is holiness, resulting in eternal life. We are developing spiritual character. We have been set free to change the way we live. To be like Jesus.

Today and every day we have to thank God for His redemption and embrace the responsibility of being the one who has been set free. God did not withhold His only Son for our redemption this truth should encourage us to seek after God’s perfect will for us. Amen.

Blessed day ahead.


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