It’s for Your Good


John 16:7

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you.”

Happy news is always a joy to hear. And much of our Lord Jesus’ teachings were helpful and encouraging. However, He had to explain to His disciples that He was going away – back to the Father. One can only imagine how dejected the disciples might have felt at that moment.

After spending a good deal of time with their Savior and their Friend, they probably didn’t want Him to go away. But Jesus explained that Him going away would be for their good. After His death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit would come down from Heaven and rest on all those who believed in Him.

The Holy Spirit would be their Helper, Comforter, and Counselor. They would be equipped with power from on high to do so much more than Jesus did in His lifetime. They traveled via land and sea, and reached many countries with the Gospel. Now we too have direct access to the same Holy Spirit who dwells in us.

While we may not physically see God, we know He is with us – and He will guide you through whatever you’re going through now. Trust Him and know it will all turn out for Your good and His glory.


One Comment

  1. Arpana lal Rt.principal.mem.of chuch of God.Dmt.
    28 Jul 2021 13:07:41 Reply

    Very comforting msg given by u.Thank u so much for providing us such a delicious food of God,s word.personaly I blessed by this.

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