It’s Time for Your Healing


John 14:26  But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

Before the Lord Jesus ascended into heaven, He told his disciples that they would receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Sure enough, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were saturated with the Holy Spirit.

It wasn’t a one time event. The Holy Spirit did not leave after “visiting hours” were over.

Instead, the Holy Spirit resided in the disciples and showed them more of God’s glory than they had witnessed in the past.

On one such occasion, Peter walked the streets of Jerusalem after meeting with the disciples on Solomon’s Porch. People from all over the city, and even neighbouring cities, had brought the sick and demon possessed, and laid them on the street, trusting that they would be healed when Peter’s shadow fell on them as he passed by.

And the Bible says, “…they were all healed.” – Acts 5:16

ALL! Not just a couple or handful, or many or most of them… ALL of them were healed!

The Holy Spirit hasn’t changed over time. He hasn’t become frail or weak with old age! The same Holy Spirit who healed ALL through Peter, WILL heal us when we pray with faith!

Whatever be your sickness, bring it to the Lord Jesus in prayer. He will heal you, today!



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