God Sent His Son For Us


John 3:34
“For He whom God has sent speaks the words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.”

John 3:34 are the words of John the Baptist. He was responding to a dispute between his disciples and a certain Jew about ceremonial washing.

As a God-chosen forerunner, John the Baptist had testified about Jesus earlier. For instance when he proclaimed “He must increase, but I must decrease“. He rejoiced greatly because the Messiah was in their midst and also proclaimed that “Jesus shall baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire“. He also witnessed the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus in bodily form like a dove, and heard a voice from heaven saying, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.” Finally, here he says “Jesus is God sent“. All of this confirms Jesus’ heavenly origin.

According to John, He who is God-sent will speak the words of God. And that is what Jesus did! He heard from the Father and spoke only words that came from above. His teachings are eternal and life-giving. So let us learn from Him.

The Lord Jesus also gives the Holy Spirit without measure. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit would come upon certain people whom Lord had called for a particular mission. However, we, the church of Christ have unrestricted access to our Lord because His Spirit has made our mortal bodies His permanent address.

The Holy Spirit is the seal of our salvation. He is our helper, who reveals the Lord Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit equips us in the spiritual realm, comforts us, and anoints us. He also produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us. So, yes the Holy Spirit is our ever-present help.

John 3:34 tells us that we are given the Holy Spirit without measure – generously, pressed down, and shaken. Therefore, we have to yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading in our life. David when confronted with his sin cries out to God and requests Him not to take His Holy Spirit from him. We too should be that desperate for the Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit should be our senior partner in every area of our life. Let’s abide by the counsel of the Spirit and let Him lead our thoughts and actions.

Blessed Day Ahead.


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