Jesus My Saviour


When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:4

Jesus Christ, the Son of God came to the Earth to redeem us from our sins and to give us eternal life. He was crucified on Calvary, rose from the dead in three days, and ascended into Heaven where He is seated on the right hand of the Father.

When we believe in Jesus, we have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life in Heaven, seated with Him on the right of God the Father. We must live our life the way Jesus taught us. Our life must revolve around Christ. He has taught us how we should live our lives to keep us clean from sin and to repent when we falter. Jesus has planned our lives for us and we must look to Him for wisdom and strength to continue on this planned path.

Jesus will soon come again to establish His Kingdom and to judge the people of this World for their deeds. All those who believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as their personal Saviour will be with Him on this day and He will take us with Him, as He promised, to be in Heaven with God the Father.

Dear Lord, thank you for showing me the path to salvation and to return with you to Heaven when you come back in all your Glory to judge the living and the dead. On that day Lord, I will be with you by your side as your child. Amen


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