Jesus said “Believe”


“Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Mark 9:23 (NIV) 


There is a saying, “We are what we think”. We often focus on the impossibilities of our life, instead of the possibilities. Yes, Jesus said if you can believe, all things are possible to you. Believing in the possibilities is very important. Our probability of achieving might seem low to the world, and sometimes to ourselves, but the “GOD FACTOR” of our life, the “BELIEF” factor of our life makes the impossible- I am Possible” 

When Jesus summoned Peter to follow HIM, he was a mere fisherman. Peter himself was not aware of the potential that GOD had bestowed on him. Peter might have doubted God’s call over his life when he rejected Jesus, but GOD loved Peter with his weaknesses. Our weaknesses don’t stop our GOD from loving us and blessing us. HIS love for us is beyond human frailties. We can experience this amazing love of GOD, only when we BELIEVE. We must Believe that we can do all things through our LORD JESUS. 

So today, let us believe in the power of GOD to help us soar upon the storms of this life. Believe GOD has given us the wisdom and the potential to rise against all hardships of our life. We are never alone, the invisible hand of GOD is holding us and caressing us throughout. DON’T GIVE UP YET. 


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    24 Jun 2020 13:44:34 Reply

    Hallelujah I won’t give up because my God is with me excellent message thank you Pastoral team God bless you abundantly

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