Jesus understands it all


Hebrews 2:18

Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.

Jo opened the exclusive envelope stating ‘By invitation only,’ giving her access to the most happening and talked about after dark party that all her peers had been excitedly waiting for. Many would do anything for this invite; it was a grand opportunity to be a part of what her friends called endless fun…what was she going to do?

Temptation comes in the form of an invite…luring you to give in. Just because you are tempted, you haven’t sinned…until you have actually yielded to the temptation.

The book of James states that God cannot be tempted. Yet, Jesus was tempted. What does this signify? That Jesus was truly, in actuality made lower than the angels for a little while, so that He may taste death, feel the excruciating pain and distress that we experience. Jesus endured extreme pain not just physically, but mentally too. Just like we face temptation and our will-power or resistance is tested, He felt the same too. Many a times, we give in, not being able to control ourselves too long. But Jesus completely relied on the Holy Spirit and the spiritual resources which we too have full access to.  Resisting temptation isn’t easy, nor is it fun. It is challenging. It tests you on various fronts. The greater the degree of temptation, the more painful and even traumatic can be the resistance. Jesus felt this anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane where His body oozed sweat drops of blood.

In this we know that we have a High Priest who sympathizes with what we are battling for. He has been tempted in all things as we are and even more. He understands, even when no one else doesn’t. Which is why He is constantly interceding for you. Cry out to Him and He has promised that He will answer you. May you be lead by His Spirit and strengthened in His presence. In Jesus’ Name!


One Comment

  1. Prameela E
    13 Feb 2019 07:56:39 Reply

    Yes it is true God understands our struggle and weakness and he helps us and makes a way out of temptation

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