Just trust God


Proverbs 3:5-6:  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  (KJV)

Trust is something that is acquired over a period of time.  Trust does not happen overnight.  It comes into our heart as we release fear and doubt off our mind and begin to believe that we don’t have to fear anything or anybody anymore.  When this transition happens, we begin to open up and allow TRUST inside ourselves.

We have to trust God with all our heart and never lean on our own understanding of how to go ahead or what we have to do with our life or career or future.  If we are going to run our life our way, sooner or later we will end up in a road that we wish we had not taken.  Almost all the precious saints in the Bible never ran their life their way.  They allowed God to have His way even when life gave them lemons or misfortune.  Even when some of the saints had the best promises of God, it took them a while to taste it.  They had to battle every doubt and fear and criticism before they experienced God’s blessing.  Unless we acknowledge God in ALL of our ways, He will not direct our path.

In order for us to have God direct our path/lives, we have to respect and honour Him.  Trusting Him against all odds, draws His attention and favour.  When we pass the test of faith through difficulties, God will take us to even greater heights.  All it takes is TRUST.



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