Kingdom labourers


I Corinthians 3:8:  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one; and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.

We are laborers in God’s kingdom.  The one who plants a seed in someone’s heart and the one who waters it to grow and to bear fruit are all one in the sight of God.  They will be rewarded according to their own labor.

We are called to spread the good news about Jesus to everyone.  Nobody is superior than the other or inferior than the other.  All of us are viewed upon by God as equal.  Just because someone is good at planting a seed and is able to bring someone to Jesus, it doesn’t mean that his work is over.  Unless someone else doesn’t water it or followup, how can the seed ever grow or germinate deeply into the soil?  Both the sower and the one who waters it are important to God.  Both are valued on the same scale before God.  The great commission that Jesus gave before He ascended to heaven is to tell the good news to all people.  He has the rewards with Him and will be given to us when He comes back in glory.

Let nothing stop us from doing what we are supposed to be doing, i.e., to plant and to water.  Do what you are called to do, be it planting or watering.  Understand your calling on your life and be faithful in it.  Do God’s work diligently not because of the reward but because of who has called you.

