Know your value


Luke 12:6-7 – “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

Ask anyone how valuable they are, and their first thought would be to calculate the value of the assets in their name and check their bank balance. In modern society, we tend to base our value on the size of our house, the number of wheels we drive, and the figures in our bank account. But it’s not so in the kingdom of God. God values us because we are His children and He loves us.

In today’s verse, we see Jesus reminding the people of their value. A sparrow that’s worth a pittance is not forgotten by God. He provides the tiny birds with their daily meals, and grants them a beautiful talent to chirp for His glory. How much more then would God take care of His own sons and daughters? He is your provider who makes sure you are never in want. He has blessed you with skills and abilities to accomplish His will in your life.

To the world, you may not be worth much. But to God, you are so valuable that He allowed His Son to die in your place. You are now an heir to His kingdom, a child of the Most High God. We’ve been chosen to live a victorious life through Jesus. Let’s not tarnish our identity with fleshly pursuits that make us feel worthless in the end. In Christ, you are an overcomer!
