Knowing Jesus


John 14:24 “He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which you hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.” KJV

Jesus, through His life, taught us the way to be happy, find peace and live in harmony with one another. The level of wisdom He portrayed left even the cleverest of men baffled. People were mystified by His immaculate character and exceptional personality. They tried to understand Him with their limited intellect but in vain.   

Lord Jesus Christ’s perfect character makes Him lovable and captivating. It is impossible not to fall in love with someone as magnificent as Him. However, Lord Jesus is aware of this and makes a strong point by saying that those who do not follow His instructions and live according to His teachings cannot claim to love Him and since He displays everything His Father is, rejection of Him is an indirect rejection of His Father in Heaven. 

No matter what we do, our Lord will always love us and provide for us. However, the same cannot be said about our superficial love that comes with conditions. We choose to love as per our convenience. God’s love may be unconditional but it has a few requirements and expectations. Disobedience to His word is a sign of rejection. Therefore, it is imperative to follow His instructions in our walk with Christ. It is the key to a beautiful and fruitful relationship with our creator. Nothing pleases our Lord more than this. Let us commit ourselves to be doers of the word and not mere hearers because our love for Christ is incomplete without this.


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